The Journal Dedicated to Capacity Building in Taxonomy and Collection Management. Is a series of peer-reviewed manuals dedicated to capacity building in zoological and botanical taxonomy, in collection management and in good practices in taxonomic and curatorial research. It facilitates the liberation of taxonomic and curatorial skills, competences and know-how needed to carry out basic to advanced taxonomic research on a particular living taxon.
Switch to another CHM site. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Customize the look and feel. Limiting access to your website. The live demo of the Bioland tool is now available. Please visit and take a look at its features. Guidance for Developing National Clearing-House Mechanisms. Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 10 - 22 November 2018.
You must have Javascript enabled to use this form. And supported by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Phylogeny of Halictidae bees from Africa and Europe.
Belgian Focal Point to the GTI. Cooperation to Build Taxonomic Capacity. Welcome to the website of the Belgian National Focal Point to the Global Taxonomy Initiative. Designated in 2001 the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. As the National Focal Point to the Global Taxonomy Initiative. The Belgian GTI is part of the first specific objective of the CEBioS programme. That hinders the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity.